Luise Ge
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I am a Computer Science PhD student at Washington University in St Louis, advised by Yevgeniy Vorobeychik and Brendan Juba.
I spend most of my time over the theoretical aspects of computing, ranging from learning theory to social choice.
On a personal note, I would like to describe myself as a generalist as my interests are quite broad. I started out as a cognitive science student at the University of Edinburgh, with the passion to figure out how mind works. While this curiosity has never diminished, it just happened that the beauty of maths struck me greatly.
I ended up getting a master degree specialised in geometry and topology at Imperial College London under the guidance of the amazing Paolo Cascini. My master thesis was on algebraic geometry inspired by a fantastic idea called "the periodic table of shapes" .
I have turned back to CS because of the philosophical implications and social impact of many compuational problems. I prefer to avoid the locution "AI" due to its overloaded interpretations.